It was another long day of driving.  We left Richfield, UT this morning and the weather had definitely improved.  The sun was shining on the mountain so we knew the ice that had prevented us from driving through the canyon last night would be gone today.  It’s quite a steep, long grade through the canyon but much easier without fighting slick roads!  We all clapped when we finally made it to Interstate 15 South!  We’ve been on Interstate 70 for days.

My dad has called a couple of times to check in with us as we made this trip.  It’s always really special when my cell phone rings and it’s Dad making sure we’re doing okay!

We turned onto I-15 South and there was much more snow than I had thought there would be.  As we reached Cedar City, the temperatures were getting warmer and the snow was melting.  By the time we made St. George, it was beautiful.  The quick 27 mile trip across Arizona into Nevada was uneventful but filled with awe – amazing rock formations of various colors.

You think of the desert as flat, dry land.  Not really the case in Nevada or California.  While I thought the steep inclines and grades were over, I was wrong.  We drove several of them today through the desert…but, not battling the weather, gave me only one thing on which to concentrate.

As we were in the final approach to Rancho Cucamonga, I had a newspaper interview to do for an upcoming performance in Central California.  The reporter was very patient as the cell signal dropped a few times.  We completed the interview just as we came up on the final 6%, four mile grade down into the Los Angeles/Rancho Cucamonga area.

We are here for three nights in the hotel – what a rare treat!  Our first show at the Lewis Family Playhouse is Saturday night and then another on Sunday afternoon.  We are thrilled that both shows are sold out and looking forward to the audiences here.