I’m back in my office for a few days.  I have to complete a few projects before the end of the week.  Today I’m working on completing a grant with Autism Speaks, one of the leading foundations confronting the issues facing individuals with autism spectrum disorders.  I needs to be done before Friday!

Our 2010/2011 tour schedule is mostly complete.  You can find it on the website or on Pollstar.  We should have it up on the Facebook page by the end of July.  These schedules include only public performances, not necessarily all of the speaking engagements for Hocus Focus and Healing of Magic.

I’m trying to spend as much quality time as I can with Cindy this week too.  I leave early this Sunday morning for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand for 10 days. This is going to be quite an adventure!  I’ll be blogging and posting pictures through the journey so I hope you’ll follow along!

Gotta run – work to do!