We’ve managed to get quite a bit done in the short amount of time we’ve been home.  We leave in the morning at 6:20am to fly back to Des Moines, get in the truck, and drive to our next show in Ottumwa, IA. We’ll be in Iowa for a few days.  After Ottumwa, we head on to Waverly for a Residency Project and Performance.

The newspaper article for our show in Ottumwa at the Bridge View Center ran on Sunday in the COURIER. Yesterday, I did an interview for the Waverly performance that should run in Friday’s newspaper there.

The media is really gearing up for performances this month.  I did two newspaper interviews yesterday and had conference calls with PR people in Miami, Madison, and Lakeland as well.  This morning I’m working on confirming a live radio interview in Lakeland with WLKF’s “Mayhem in the Morning” show.  They contacted us yesterday to see if I would be interested and, of course, I would be!  We have two shows at the Lakeland Center on March 26 – 2:30pm and 7:30pm.

I’m in the office early today.  I want to get through some things, wrap up some projects, so we can all get out of here sooner than later.

One more thing, the news story from Lincoln, NE on KOLN/KGIN Channel 8 went up online last night. Check it out if you have time.  Lance Schwartz is the journalist and he did a fantastic job putting this all together.