I spent most of the day today trying to decipher the stacks of paperwork that is now required by Massachusetts and Connecticut in order to perform in the state.  These particular forms are fairly important because they deal with the amount of money you actually get to keep from your check.  Many states these days have a “Non-resident Entertainment Tax” that is deducted from any payment you receive while performing in the state.  Missouri, New Mexico, Wisconsin, California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and on and on.  The thing is, completing these forms doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll  get a break.  It just means they will balance your expenses against your profits and decide how much tax they are going to “withhold.”  And there’s really no formula for this from what I can understand.  It’s simply up to the discretion of the person reviewing the forms.

I also spent some time trying to get all the paperwork completed for our upcoming trip through New Brunswick, Canada for two performances – the Imperial Theatre on November 13 and the Fredericton Playhouse on November 15.  It’s been much easier dealing with the Canadian government on these two shows than with the tax offices of the ones here in the states!  We do have to have some extensive documentation of the equipment (something we still have from the Asia tour) as well as our passports, contracts, and permits in order.

There should be a couple of articles in area newspapers to promote upcoming shows.  I know the LANCASTER NEWS ran a feature today for our show there on Saturday night (Lancaster, SC).  And yesterday there was an article in the Camden CHRONICLE-INDEPENDENT about our show on Friday night.  I wasn’t able to find it online but heard that it was a good write up.

We are heading to South Carolina on Thursday.  I have a radio interview set up to talk about our Camden performing at the Fine Arts Center at 1pm.  I’m guessing I’ll be doing that one on my cell phone while driving!  Nothing like the sound of a diesel engine in the background – life on the road!