The show last night was nearly sold out – only a handful of tickets remained! As a performer, you get so much energy from the enthusiasm and excitement of the audience. And this audience was fun, attentive, and energetic.

While the day in the Flickinger Center wasn’t without a few bumps, that is all a part of touring. Everyone on the team trouble-shoots very well and handled the challenges likes professionals. Cindy (as usual) did a great job of making everything “fit” into the space while Nolan managed to move illusions into place during the performance – team work! Keith had a few challenges of his own with sound and lights (including learning how to operate a board he’d never seen before!). Due to a couple of electrical issues, our intelligent lighting just didn’t want to behave. After a few trips up and down the scaffolding, they worked beautifully for the show. We did manage to set off the fire alarms – not once, but three times – during the set up day. That rarely happens for us but, knowing it could happen, made Cindy much more aware of haze flow and volume.

Once we were set up, doors were opened and the show began. This is a very intimate space of almost 600 seats. I was excited about the crowd and, in spite of the challenges of the day, knew it would all come together and this would be a wonderful audience.

This is my passion – and I am privileged to be able to do what I do with the person I love most in the world. So I enjoy having the opportunity to meet so many people after the show. When people share their feelings with us about the show, their comments on which trick they enjoyed the most, what moment captured their imagination, I cannot help but be moved emotionally.
One person who attended the show drove last night drove down from Albuquerque – not a short distance! He posted his personal experience on his blog and I don’t think he’ll mind if I share it with you.

Saturday night in Alamogordo, New Mexico. It’s 7:15 PM and the house at the Flickinger Center is filling up. It’s not a movie, a rock concert or a stand-up comedian. The Spencers are in town and people are coming from White Sands, Las Cruce and Cloudcroft to see a magic show.

It’s a field that The Spencers have almost to themselves these days. David Copperfield occasionally takes his gig on the road, but most of the better known magic acts, Penn & Teller, Lance Burton, Mac King have semi-permanent homes in Las Vegas.

And magic almost never comes to Alamogordo.

The house is nearly sold out and the demographics are a marketers dream, a smattering of just about every age group and gender. But except for Vegas and the Magic Castle, it’s hard to find truly good magic that’s faithful to its roots, yet connects with an audience who has an Internet attention span.

We were about have just such an experience.

You can read his entire posting HERE. Thank you Scott for your kind words and encouragment!