We stopped by the beautiful Cascade Theatre in Redding yesterday just to scope it a bit.  It’s always nice to be able to get into the venue early when possible.  It gives Cindy a chance to assess everything and makes the show day a bit easier for everyone.

This morning, as we arrived for load in, the weather also arrived – rain  The crew was awesome, jumping right in to get in the cases.  Due to the size of the stage and wing space, Cindy had all the cases placed on the stage apron.  Ethan unloaded and assembled the illusions and then things were put in place for the show.

The Cascade Theatre is really a gorgeous space – vintage 1930’s and incredibly restored.

The day moved along at a great pace, steady and productive.  The show was slated to begin at 7pm and, at 6:30pm, doors opened and people started coming in.

It was a great crowd – very enthusiastic and vocal!  We had some wonderful volunteers on the stage and the audience was full of energy the entire night.  Afterwards, in the lobby, I met tons of people!  I met a few of the area magicians as well, including Bryan Gilles and his wife, Stephanie.

Redding, CA was a great stop for us – great people (thanks Jeff, Todd, Owen, Daniel, Erin, Keith, and Daryl) and a great audience!

Tomorrow, we head to San Ramon, CA.