We’ve been off the road since the beginning of December but things have not really slowed down too much…until a few days ago. Here’s the reason why:

Almost a year ago, I had to make plans to have surgery on my right shoulder.  An MRI showed there was some damage to my AC joint and bicep tendon.  I could finish the 2012 tour but was strongly advised not to continue into 2013 without getting the shoulder repaired – so we set aside some time at the end of 2012.  Unfortunately, another year of touring took its toll and things got worse. It’s a good thing this surgery was already on the schedule!

On December 4, I met with my surgeon, Dr. Speer, and on the 5th I entered Duke Medical Center Hospital for the procedure.

After returning home, I spent almost about 3 days on some heavy medications and generally doing nothing. Then it was time to remove the bandages!

After a few more days of rest, I was able to start physical therapy – and that’s where I am right now.  I’m working hard to get this shoulder back into shape before the 2013 tour begins in Boston on January 20!  Wish me well!!