I wrote a few days ago that I’ve been reading some things about faith and that I would be sharing some of those thoughts. While I believe “faith” is individual and personal, I would like to share just a couple of things that I’ve come to believe. These are random but here it goes.

Faith is our handle on what we can’t see. It’s what we believe that makes a difference – and those beliefs are played out in our actions. It is impossible to please God without faith. Why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that He exists AND that He cares enough to respond to those who seek Him.

God has something better for us, now and in the future. Our faith keeps us focused on that goal in spite of the complications and tragedies, temptations and failures, we experience along the way.

John wrote, “Live deeply in what you were taught. Live deeply in Christ.” Those are really amazing words – “live deeply!”

Our faith helps us get back up and continue to move forward when things are complicated or when we feel knocked down. We are in this “race,” this “adventure” of living life. And there is a purpose and a goal for each of us to reach. Jesus was a part of this same “adventure” but he stayed focused on the end of result. We should study how He did it – how He lived His life. I liked this, something I read in Utmost for His Highest:

“The Lord does not give me rules, but he makes His standard very clear. If my relationship to Him is that of love, I will do what He says without hesitation. If I hesitate, it is because I love someone I have placed in competition with Him – namely, myself. If I obey Jesus Christ in the seemingly random circumstances of life, they become pinholes through which I see the face of God.”