Sorry I haven’t written in a few days.  It’s been incredibly busy since we returned from Atlantic City.  Our Fall Tour starts in just a couple of weeks and there’s still several things to wrap up before we hit the road.

We are preparing to launch a new website this fall; just finished putting together a new promotional DVD; are designing new ads for industry publications; and rehearsing new illusions – all while trying to keep the office running smoothly.

One of our newest illusions comes from the mind of Jim Steinmeyer.  He’s created so many amazing things for our production and this illusion is no exception.  There are several variations of “levitating an audience volunteer” but Jim has taken this several steps beyond.  Five volunteers are chosen from the crowd – 4 guys and a girl.  The girl lies down on a board sitting on top of a solid box.  Four guys hold handles on each side of the board.  While their eyes are closed, they are asked to take the weight of the girl as the box is removed from beneath the board.  One by one, the guys are asked to release the handles and step away from the board – leaving the girl suspended in the middle of the stage.  It’s a pretty cool trick.

I’m still trying to wrap up the Hocus Focus curriculum with plans to have it completed in the coming weeks. I think this is going to be one of the most significant things I’ve accomplished in my professional career.  I’m hopeful it’s going to have an educational impact on the motivation of students with special needs.

I’ll write more later – gotta run for now.