We finally arrived back home – long drive from Michigan to Virginia.  We made the trip a bit more “slowly” than I normally would because we were all kind of tired.  It was nice to sleep it and drive more “casually.”  It is good to be home though, even if only for a day!

The drive into Virginia was beautiful.  The trees near the Blue Ridge Parkway are in full color and spectacular!  Cindy had her iPhone out trying to capture as many images as she could.


Tomorrow will be a very busy day.  There is so much to get done in such a short amount of time.  I’m pressed to get the paperwork completed and filed with the Canadian government before we cross the border on November 13.  And I still have “tax forms” to complete for some of our upcoming New England performances too.  I know it sounds a little crazy but, without these tax forms being filed, the states will take about 7% of our income as “non-resident entertainers tax.”  Just their way of getting a little portion of money that doesn’t really belong to them.

I’m fairly tired and still need to try and organize my day tomorrow so I can be productive!  Thursday we will leave for South Carolina – warmer temperatures than Michigan I think.